These are pictures we took from our driveway of the Herriman fire that started Sunday September 19th. We were on I-15 heading home around 4:30ish and saw there was a fire on the mountain. We didn't think much of it other than we figured it was probably caused by Camp Williams. A few hours later we could tell it was getting larger but still not too worried. The winds were very strong and the smoke smell was starting to get bad and at about 8:00 the fire creeped over the mountainside to where we could easily see flames. We were not concerned about our house but started worrying a bit about all the homes on the hill but felt sure the firefighters would get it out. The winds kept getting stronger and stronger and the fire started to get more and more out of control. We started hearing about all the mandatory evacuations and people only having 5-10 minutes to grab what they could. We decided to get a few things together just incase. The smoke smell was awful and there was ash flying everywhere. I of course started worrying about Brock and his asthma issues and wondered if we just shouldn't leave but knew that everyone else who were on the mandatory evacuation were also trying to leave.....not to mention all my kid's were asleep and I was trying to pack for our Disneyland vacation! :-) We ended up just watching the fire from our house until about 12:30 am. We ended up being one block away from the mandatory evacuation and are so thankful to all the people who worked so hard to put this fire out and to save sooooo many homes. They estimated approx. 1,000 homes to burn and only 3 were completely destroyed. My kids were thrilled that they cancelled school the next day, but me on the other hand was not so thrilled because of all the last minute errands I needed to run before our vacation the following day:-)