Friday evening we let him pick where he wanted to go for dinner and what activity he wanted to do. He choose Olive Garden for dinner because of there delicious salad and breadsticks, and then a late night of video games with his friend " E." It was very low key but I think they had a lot of fun.
A few things we want to remember about our 9 year old:
* His favorite food: salad, corndogs, chips & salsa, hashbrowns.
* His favorite color: red
* His favorite TV show: any sports game....especially football or Wipeout.
* Favorite things to do: play sports or video games.....but mostly sports:-)
* All he wanted for his birthday was ticket's to the Utah football game, and football flags.
* One important thing I want to remember is a couple days ago we went to his school for a "breakfast of champions." Cannon was one of two kids that his teacher picked from her class to attend this breakfast and receive an award from the school for someone who makes "responsible choices." I was truly SO proud of him!! I hope he continues to make good choices and continues to be a good example to those around him. We love you buddy!