Last week the kiddo's started school. I don't know who was more nervous me or the kids. I had such mixed emotions about the start of school. I absolutely loved having my kids home for so long but I was also so anxious for them to be able to meet some friends. There are many options for schools here in Eagle. 3 different Elementary Schools and I think 3 Charter Schools. We choose the Elementary School that is located right in our sub division. I love that it is convenient, and so far I have been SO impressed with the principal and staff at the school. There are many things that are different with the school here compared to our past school in Herriman. Here the parents are solely responsible for all school supplies. The school has a VERY LONG detailed list of items the children will need. We are responsible for literally everything from pencils, paper, erasers, tissue, hand sanitizer, crayons, markers, scissors etc...... There is also a registration fee for each child. School lunch is more expensive and they don't get half day on Fridays. Sort of a bummer on that one as it will make it harder for quick weekend trips to Utah:-) They do have teacher collaboration day on Wednesdays where the school starts 15 minutes later. Yeehaw!! Anyway's so far so good.....both the boys are integrating well and I am super excited for them!
It is totally and completely NUTS that I have a middle schooler. I will say that I was very bummed about the fact that my kids will never be in the same school together....EVER! I was looking forward to this year at Herriman Elementary as all 3 would have been together for one year. Oh well things change and you just gotta roll with it. Whitney is doing well and if anyone can just "roll with things" she can. She is great that way. She was really happy the second day of school when she met a girl that had just moved here to Idaho from Orem, Utah. They had that in common and apparently really hit it off. She also met a very nice girl last week who so happens to be the niece of some very good friends of ours in Utah. We had thought our paths would never cross but the world is very small and out of all those 6th graders they met and became friends without even knowing about the connection until yesterday (one week later.) I am happy for her and I think she will have a great experience.
Here are the first day of school pics. BTW.....did I mention I have a Kindergartener? My word where does the time go?? I'm happy for him because he is so happy to be in the "big" school. I also LOVE his teacher Mrs. Hymas. Of course I really truly am NOT looking forward to next year when he is gone all day. I will be a very sad mommy.